My harvest is much the same but a little more of it. I am enjoying it soooo much!!
Pulled up some more radishes! When it gets hot I can't seem to grow them so will enjoy while I can!
Cut some oregano to dry. Will be cutting more if it ever stops being rainy!
My couple patches of lettuce are so nice now. I was so impatient for them to grow but finally..........!
My peas are growing. But so are the weeds! I am so far behind!
The comfrey is blooming and I am planning to try making some comfrey fertilizer tea.
All is not well!!! I planted my tomatoes out and the next day some of the leaves on this plant and a couple on another plant looked like this. What is my problem? Not hardened off properly, too hot, too cold, or I planted them with epson salts and crushed egg shells. Could the epson salts have been too strong for those two plants???? All the leaves were not like this. Will they be okay?????
Another problem! All these Iris bloomed last year. This year only a few in the front bloomed. Does that mean they need transplanting and thinning? Help!
We planted this pretty bush in the rose bush circle a few years ago. Now it has almost gotten too large but I think it is so pretty!
I planted this last year. This year it is so pretty and I just love it. Wish I had another one!
I have the deck filled with pots this year. I kind of like the looks but will see if I like maintaining them!
Brag time!! Gracie graduated kindergarten! Here are a couple pictures of her and then a little video of her program. It looks like learning was so much fun! She had a wonderful teacher. We all think she is growing up too fast! Does anyone else feel that way about their grandchildren?!? Enjoy and have a wonderful Memorial Day remembering the people who have protected our country in the past and the ones who are protecting it now.