Now this cucumber starts to grow after not having success with them all summer!
I don't usually have much success trying to grow radishes in the fall time but thought I would try once again! If you are successful what is your secret????
Picking a few strawberries but they are kind of sour. What is the problem?? Guess I need to go to google!
We took a trip to Pt. Huron, MI where we use to live for a family reunion and stopped to see my brother.
I think this is a grasshopper. I would say it is not a good bug to be in my garden!!
These are lemon cucumbers. I wasn't sure when to pick them. Because of limited space I don't think I will grow them next year. Have to pick and choose.
We received this Cactus Candy from a friend. We think it tastes like the "chuckles" candy.
I made these yucky gluten free biscuits. Having to eat gluten free is not fun but there are much worse things in life so I need to be thankful!
This is our adorable great-granddaughter Nora with her first piano!! I played piano duets with a friend today and so enjoyed it. I hope she grows up to love the piano as much as I and her Grandma does! Seems strange to call our daughter Grandma!!
I bought one pot of Rudbeckia and we got it planted today. It should spread and help fill in.
Mums were on sale so bought two pots, one yellow and one burgundy. This one is still in the original container but got them both planted in the pots today.
Picked a few raspberries. Might have gotten more if Coco had not knocked this clump of unripe ones off.
Now tell me, who could stay mad at this sweet innocent face!
I found this nice basket at the thrift store although I was looking for something else I didn't find! My yarn for my knitting and crochet projects are resting in it now! Time to relax! Have a wonderful rest of the night! See you next time! Nancy