Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pincushion Flowers, Purple Salvia, Celery, Tomato & Marigolds

My new pincushion flower plant bought this week!

This is the pink pincushion that I have had for two or three years next to the blue one that I just bought.  As long as I keep it deadheaded it blooms and blooms for me.

This is purple salvia that I have had.  It seems like it is blooming early this year.  We have a frost advisory tonight so hope it is okay.  It doesn't show up very well next to the blue flax linum so I may need to move it!!  Got a little weeding done in another area.

I bought marigolds and a cherry tomato plant today.  If I wait for my cherry tomato plant I have started to get large enough it may be Christmas!  I have to figure out a way to set up some kind of grow lights next year.  Buying plants gets expensive.  Will add this to my wonderful gardeners list some day.  Don't want to overwhelm him you know!!!!

This is my celery plant I started from an end of my boughten organic celery stalk.
I planted it back on March 19th.  It seems like it has not grown as much as some other pictures I see!  I think it looks better in this picture than for real.  Maybe theirs do too! lol  My instructions didn't say to soak it in water before planting as some instructions do so I think I will try one soaking in water first before putting into soil and see if it grows faster next time!


~~Melissa said...

My celery wants to have a race with your celery, although mine did get a head start in water. Ready, set, go!

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Melissa, At the speed mine is growing I am sure you will win!! It must be a senior citizen!! lol We will compare later, okay. Nancy

Anonymous said...

I hope your celery starts growing better. I love the titles of your blog posts. That pincushion flower is interesting. I have not planted anything yet, and nothing is coming up from before, so I think my garden needs to be started all over again. I usually plant the ones that have to be replanted... I know... I'm not the gardener. I bought a beautiful hygerangia for Easter, and watered it too much and it died. I sure don't know much. If I was nearer you, I'd learn lots, but am learning things from your blog a little. The weather at night is still down around 30-35 at night so will wait till it gets warmer and stays that way. I had beautiful flowers last yr. on our deck and in the front planters. Good luck with all of your plants. Hugs, Sue

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Good morning Sue! Thank you for your sweet comments! Compared to some of these gardeners that blog I know nothing! Reading other peoples gardening blogs is helping me to learn too. Trouble is my energy and money does not keep up to my ideas! lol It would be fun if I could help you. We didn't have good luck with hydrangeas. because we don't have shade and did not buy the kind for sun. Annuals are fun too! Come again. Nancy

Lisa said...

Hi Nancy! I love your cute little pincushion flowers! Your garden looks lovely. And I've always held a special place in my heart for marigolds as they always look so cheery and happy to me. I've not been able to successfully start my seeds indoors either and this year I did not even try! Just put everything straight in the ground and crossed my fingers. You are right, it is expensive to purchase started plants each year.

I wanted to personally thank you for your sweet comment about our little pup. I was struggling with so many emotions when I wrote that post as I think I was still in shock. We just found out that what was thought to be a 'tumor', turned out to be a hairband, or probably more likely a scrap of yarn, wrapped around her tongue, so she will live. Thank you again. Lisa

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Lisa, Oh, it makes my heart happy to hear your little pup will be okay and that it was not a tumor. We sure do love our furbabies!!! Did you have grow lights or one of those heat mats when you tried to grow seeds inside? I don't have any of that. Wonder if I would then be able to do more? Gardening is sure an experiment and always a learning experience! Thanks for your visit and come again! Nancy

Stefaneener said...

Thanks for coming out to my blog! We have such a different climate that I'm able to grow year round on really sandy soil. Not enough rain! I do use a Haas can, and I love it except for two things. One, it only holds a gallon or so and it needs lots of pressure for that "rainfall" effect. Two, it clogs easily. I'm not really a neatnik, so dirt and stuff get in there. I'm constantly tapping the rose to empty it. There are hose-end sprayers that would probably work better. I've enjoyed it more than trying to use a squirt bottle to wet seedlings under the lights. I always lose those.

Mrs.Pickles said...

thanks for stopping by my blog. Your flowers looks great! Good luck with the celery. I will be looking forward to see how that goes!

Prairie Cat said...

Starting seed is definitely the way to go if you want to save money! I can't even imagine the cost of everything I plan on growing this year if I had bought them as starts/plants.

Our grow light setup has been amazing this year. We bought one of those shelved indoor greenhouses, which you can find at Lowe's or on Amazon for $30ish. Put some fluorescent lights above each shelf, and bam! Beautiful little cheap seedlings. :)

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Prarie Cat, Thanks for commenting. Do you have a picture anywhere on your blog of your grow light set up so that I can be looking and thinking for next season? Thanks for your input. Please come again! Nancy

Lisa said...

Hi Nancy~ I guess this is a comment on a comment?! I think you are right in that the grow lights are probably the key and we don't have them and aren't set up for any here...yet. I've seen both homemade and purchased set-ups on other blogs and my mouth drools as I watch their little seedlings grow so well. It is on our to-do-list to do one day, as it doesn't seem too expensive or even hard... it's just organizing the time to set everything up?! Sometimes that's what's hard for me... to fit everything in! Have a good day!

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Stephaneer, It looks like I did not thank you for visiting my blog. Don't know how I missed you and one other! Thanks for the info on the Haas watering can. I do have a wonderful spray nozzle for my hose but wanted a decent watering can that I could use with my rain barrel to water newly plants seeds outside. Will be checking out your blog later today. Have to get ready to garden before it rains again! Come again. Nancy

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Mrs. Pickles, I don't see where I acknowledged your visit. Thank you for coming and come again. My celery is not growing near fast enough! But neither are other things! lol Patience is not part of my name! Happy Gardenng! Nancy

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Lisa, We will have to share notes on what we learn about grow lights! Your right that it does take time. Will have to move that upward on the priority list for next year!!!! lol Nancy

Progress in the Courtyard!

  It was so nice to look out my bedroom window this morning and see the Clematis blooming instead of a pile of snow.  It is a rainy day agai...