Friday, June 3, 2016

Busy Gardening!

This is the time of year that gardeners are super busy!  The chives were so pretty and I am making chive blossom vinegar.

I think this is some kind of sage.  It is huge and so pretty this year.  I don't know how I manage to do it but it seems I get my taller plants at the front and the shorter ones in the middle.  Woe is me!

The spinach is really producing.  Not sure how long it will last with this hot weather we have been having.

I planted a couple pots of Scarlet Runner Beans.  Thought maybe they would look pretty climbing the lattice of the pergola.  That is if Coco doesn't eat the plants!

I think the flower garden looks prettier than this picture with all the color there is starting to show now.  The yarrow is just starting to bloom yellow and with all the lavendar color I have it makes a nice contrast.

The beans are growing well.  Now if the bunnies, Coco and beatles don't eat them I may get to harvest some!

I should be able to harvest some sugar peas from here before too much longer.  My asparagus is about done so will look forward to these!

The lettuce, spinach, and radish bed looks so pretty with the different colors.

I started drying my thyme today.  I plan to do more after this amount is dried.  That's it for this time.  Thank you for visiting and have a nice week-end!   


Granny Marigold said...

Your garden is doing so well! The sugar peas and lettuce especially! I do know about taller flowers in front of shorter ones and I don't know how exactly it happens but happen it does.

Margaret said...

Lots going on in your garden - so pretty (and delicious!). We have been hot, hot, hot too and I just noticed one of my spring planted spinach plants starting to bolt & I hadn't even harvested any yet....better get to that!

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Granny Marigold, Thanks! It is nice to hear that someone else has problems with planting tall plants in front of the short ones! LOL I think an elf goes in at night and moves them around! Nancy

Debbie - Mountain Mama said...

Your gardens look amazing!!!!!! Way ahead of mine! That sage plant is one that I brought over from my rental as a 'volunteer' in a pot of other plants and I'm still trying to figure out what it is. It was super happy last year, and this year it's out of bounds completely! Let me know if you find out what it is - I'd love to know and put in more.

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Margaret, Thanks! It does seem like the window frame for growing good spinach is short, doesn't it! Hope you get to harvest some of yours before it all goes to seed. Nancy

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Mountain Mama, Thanks! I had that plant around the fountain and probably could have figured out which sage it was but we downsized that area and moved things to the other flower garden so I really don't know what that plant is. If I do find out I will let you know. Perhaps I could take a branch to the nursery where I bought it and they would know! Nancy

Alex said...

You have green fingers/ thumb! Everything looks so green and fresh especially considering its been hot. I think its a great idea to let the runner beans ramble over the fence...I hope they survive the 'predators'!! we had a cat that ate flowers once, she neatly bit all the tops off a beautiful bunch of freesias my husband bought me!

Sue said...

Everything looks absolutely wonderful. Your peas--oh my!! And the lettuce, don't get me started-love the colors. Enjoy all those wonderful flowers. Happy Spring

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Alex! Thanks! I don't know about the green thumb though! It is debatable. I guess we just have to put up with our animals giving us a rough time in the garden! Nancy

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Sue, Thanks! I do enjoy produce from the garden and looking at the flowers! Don't you wish nice weather would last 10 months or maybe even 12! Nancy

Leigh said...

Spring gardens always make me happy and everything in yours looks so pretty!

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Leigh, Thank you! I just love it when I can see growth and start eating the produce! Nancy

Felecia Cofield said...

Hi Nancy! Your garden and flowers are growing so nicely! I like how you make chive blossom vinegar! I bet it's delicious! Looks like you will have an abundance of beans if all goes well! The lettuces look delicious! Your family did a great job healping around the house! What a blessing! Stay well and safe! Blessings from Bama!

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Relecia, Thanks! I am hoping to give some chive blossom vinegar for gifts. We sure appreciate all the help our kids give us! Nancy

Maria Elena said...

I wish I had your green thumb. My plants and flowers never last long. I think it also has to do with the fact that we live in Texas and it gets so hot in the Summer. Take care, Maria

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Maria Elena, Thank you for visiting my blog. Some of my things do well, some do okay and some do not so okay! lol Probably your hot Texas summers do not help! Hope you do have success though. Nancy

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