Here we are again still plodding along. Me with my chronic fatigue and hubby spent a few days in the hospital with a blocked small intestine. Home and doing good now! Thank the Lord. Here is one of Coco's favorite spots to lay now. Under the bedskirt on the bed. She is 13 and 1/2 half years old and goes about the speed we do. LOL
I read that it is time to plant my fall/winter garden in the cold frame. We have had lots of warm days in the 80's but they seem to be doing okay even though the temperature in the cold frame reaches over a 100 degrees. I do cover with a cloth quite often to help shade them. Hoping for things to eat at least until December!
This is an 8 ball zucchini. First year I have grown one. Don't think I will order seeds again but may try to use up what I have. I planted regular zucchini too but no luck this year.
Finally getting a few raspberries every day! Makes me happy. My friend brought me some she picked for the freezer. That makes me happy too!
More lettuce I planted in another bed hoping to eat soon.
Trying to figure out how to make a kleenex box cover! Wish me luck!
I had so many of these last year but have only seen one this year. It is on my parsley. Thanks for visiting! I need to try to go out and plant a few carrot seeds now. Hope you are enjoying these nice days! Nancy
I love how you plant in the cold frame. Your plants all look healthy. My daughter used to have a large rue plant growing at her back door. She grew it just for the Eastern Black Swallowtail Caterpilars and the plant was always covered. Hope I can remember to plant parsley or rue next summer. Thank you for reminding me. Oh, I had to smile at your roasted broccoli in your last post. It looks just like my roasted vegetables turn out.
I'm sorry to hear that you're still dealing with Chronic Fatigue and that your husband was hospitalized. That's terrible. I'lll continue to pray for you both. Your cold frame looks very interesting and it will be great to be able to plant even when the weather isn't perfect.
I hope things improve for the two of you.
how neat that you are still getting lots of goodies from the garden.
I hope you are both on the mend. You doggie is adorable.
Hi Nancy - so sorry to read you & Hubby have been unwell again. Life can be hard sometimes & being unwell & in pain can be so debilitating. I hope things improve for you both soon. It was lovely to see your marigolds in your veggie patch as I have - just this morning - planted some in mine. I always like to think they attract the beneficial bugs. Take care Nancy xx
Hi Henny Penny, I planted rue one year but then read where it can cause a skin reaction so I think I will stick with parsley. That way I can eat a little of it also. Thanks for leaving a comment. Nancy
Hi Betsy, Thanks for your kind post and your prayers. I have run out of options to try to improve my chronic fatigue except I am still praying. I am trying to learn about cold frame planting so am hoping for a little harvest from it. Hope you have a wonderful trip. Nancy
Hi Cheryl Kimbley, I am not getting a lot from the garden but every little bit helps. I don't think there is a cure for chronic fatigue but praying I will get more energy. Thanks for leaving a comment! Nancy
Hi Julie, Thank you for your kind thoughts. I plant marigolds too because I think they are suppose to help with the bugs plus they are so pretty. Hope yours do well. Thank you for leaving a comment. Nancy
I'm so sorry that your hubby was in the hospital! Glad that all is well & hoping that it stays that way :) Your cold frame looks wonderful! I've been meaning to build one for a few years, but it's just one of those things that never gets done....but there's always next year :)
Hi Margaret, I am just trying to learn how to use the cold frame such as when I should plant things to be large enough to enjoy in the fall and some of winter Thank you for commenting! Nancy
I'm sorry that both you and your husband are dealing with health issues. I'm not sure any cure has been found yet for chronic fatigue.
Your cold frame garden is doing so well. I sowed more lettuce but a squirrel got in there and dug all the dirt up so I doubt anything will come up.
Hi Granny Marigold, Thank you. Hopefully the days ahead will be healthier. I am sorry your squirrel dug up your lettuce. I have not seen a squirrel in my courtyard yet and hope I don't! Thank you for commenting. Nancy
I'm so impressed with your gardening skills! I am taking baby steps in gardening.
I just read your 'About Me' on the side bar! So THAT'S the one child still living at home!!
Hope you and your husband feel better soon. At 63 you are still too young to have these problems...but that doesn't help when you have them!
Hi Nancy :) Coco looks so relaxed, what a nice spot! :) I'm sorry to hear that you and hubby aren't doing so great lately. A blocked small intestine sounds like it could have been dangerous, I'm so happy he's doing better! Your cold frame looks great! I'm not doing any kind of winter gardening this year, it's just too dang cold up here in the mountains and I'm not equipped!
Hi Linda, I wish I was 63 but I will be 80 in a couple of months. No kids living at home but one spoiled dog! I just have a little courtyard now to garden but am always trying to learn about gardening. It is fun to listen to podcasts, U-Tube videos and read books about it. You will soon be an old hand at it. Thank you for commenting. Nancy
Hi Rain, Thanks for commenting. I am not sure how much success I will have with my cold frame but hoping I can harvest greens through December. Even though it has a cover and I put a winter cover over that the frost still killed things last year by spring except for the red veined sorrel. Hoping it doesn't get that cold before Christmas! I am still learning. Nancy
So glad that you are both doing better. Thank you for the card you sent, you are an angel, always thinking of others.
God bless you both,
Connie :)
Hi Connie, Thanks so much for stopping by. I am thankful for each day as each day is a gift whether I have energy or not! Still upholding you and Steve in prayer. Hugs, Nancy
How nice that you have been able to plant in a cold frame this time of the year. The autumn chills came early for us. No Indian Summer for us this year. I hope you will have good success in your garden efforts, and I hope that you will have more energy as the days go on and that your husband is fully recovered. Blessings!
Hi Gloriade, So nice of you to comment. We had some warm days but now down in the 60's. That is not too bad though. My hubby is doing well and I am still hoping to have more energy! Nancy
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