Monday, November 4, 2019

Nov. 4, 2019 Misc.

We received more snow than this! 
 Winter and frosts have started!

Trying to have plants last as long as possible so this is my little indoor garden.  I haul them in and out!  Have put some plants in the garage and have a few greens growing in the cold frame.

Aren't these just the cutest little goblins!  Great Grandkids are the best!

Two of these funny looking mushrooms were under one of my perennial leaves.  What are they????

A pot of homemade hamburg/veggie soup tastes good on these cold nights!  So what is everyone doing in my part of the woods to help keep warm?  Have a good week and keep smiling!  Nice weather will arrive again in a few months!   Nancy


Elizabethd said...

Dont think you should eat the mushrooms!
Winter seems to have hit your region. Even here in UK it is stormy and wild, and meals need to be hearty and filling all of a sudden.

Cheryl Kimbley said...

Adorable little goblins!
Your soup looks so good. It has been cold here as well. Garden and flowers are all kaput this year.

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Elizabethd, Those mushrooms do look ugly! Stay warm and safe in your change of weather. Nancy

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Cheryl Kimbley, Thanks. Now we can plan and look forward to flowers and gardening for next year! Stay warm. Nancy

Granny Marigold said...

Your soup looks so good! And those great grandchildren look adorable.

Betsy said...

Cute little ones in thier costumes. I don't know what those mushrooms are but I wouldn't eat them! We had a bunch of them around the trailer last week when we went out there. I'm always afraid to eat mushrooms that aren't from the store. I've heard too many stories about people who ate wildmushrooms. :-)
That soup looks delicious. It's definitely moved in to the time of year for hearty soups, stews and breads instead of salads and fruit.
Have a lovely day.

Connie said...

Nancy your great grandchild are adorable. Your hamburger soup looks so good . . . I think I'll be going out to the freezer today and bringing a pack of hamburger and making some for us. Thanks for the inspiration. It's not easy finding food that Steve will eat, chemo has changed his taste buds, but I think this might be a winner. Hot homemade soup on a cold Autumn day, YUM!
Wishing you a lovely week, dear friend.
Connie :)

Creations By Cindy said...

Oh my goodness Nancy. Those babies are too cute! Girl...that soup looks delicious! I love using venison burger that we process to make soup with all the veggies. So, so good. It's rather warm right now but I sure am looking forward to cooler weather here in Florida. Has been nice in the morning though. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Granny Marigold, Thanks! We are so blessed to have our great grandchildren live near enough we get to see them often. Nancy

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Betsy, Thanks! I have heard a horror story too about eating mushrooms. I don't go hunting them but occasionally buy from the store or have them when we go out to eat. We really enjoy that soup and my appetite seems to be bigger lately. Not a good thing! Nancy

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Connie, How did your veggie soup turn out? Was it tasty for Steve? A good way to eat more veggies for us. I hope things are going well for you and Steve this week. Nancy

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Creations by Cindy, Thank you! I love seeing pictures of your kids and grands also. I will send you some of our cold in return for some of your heat! LOL Nancy

Rain said...

Hi Nancy :) That soup looks so comforting!!! I'm wearing my winter indoor gear now, long johns, socks and slippers, my big comfy robe and a wool hat! :) (I get colder than most people do!)

Gloria said...

Goodness! It sure seems way too soon for the snow to be starting up already! Unfortunately, the weather is out of our hands. Your homemade soup looks comforting. I have a pot of beef stew simmering on the stove as we speak. There is nothing like a warm pot of soup simmering on the stove on a chilly evening.

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Rain, Thanks! I bundle up too. I have cuddle duds which are like long johns that I put on when it gets really cold and I have a couple bear of leg warmers and I claimed my hubbys flannel fleece lined shirt! Nancy

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Gloriade, Thanks. The soup was good! Tonight is suppose to be down to 21 degrees below zero so I guess nice weather is gone for good.! Nancy

Julie said...

Oh your great grandies are so gorgeous Nancy. That soup looks delicious. My it seems to have turned cold really quickly in your part of the world. I hope you get some nicer weather soon. I have returned again from Mums & am slowly catching up on all my favourite blogs. Have a lovely week Nancy xx

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Julie, Thank you. So much fun having great grandbabies. Glad you were able to get back home from Mum's. No place like home! I don't think we will be having nicer weather for awhile! Nancy

Anonymous said...

We've gotten snow three times already this season, and my mountain opened for skiing on Friday. I guess it's time to start hauling out the Christmas decor!!

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Debbie - MountainMama, Just saw your comment. No snow here now but lots of grey days. Just starting to get our Christmas stuff out. Nancy

Gloria said...

Hello Nancy! Thank you for coming and commenting on my blog. So nice to hear from you. I have worried about you and hope that you are doing well.

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