Friday, May 4, 2012

Dehydrater, Mulched area, Onions, Cherry tomato, Lettuce, Carrots, Spinach, Thyme, New barrels, Garden book

Dehydrating more apples and bread baking in the oven!  Seems like I eat a lot!

We finished weeding, composting & mulching another area.  Sure glad to have that done.  It had just rained so at least our clay soil was easier to pull weeds from. There is spinach growing in that little white box.

See those little green things?  My onions are growing! I never cease to be amazed when I plant something and it grows!

I plan to plant in this pink pot the cherry tomato plant that I bought.  I was working in the gardens in my T-shirt this morning but in the afternoon I had my winter coat on.  Guess I had better wait to plant it for a few days yet.  We had severe thunderstorm warnings last night but we were lucky to get nothing but a little thunder and lightening and rain.  Not too far from us got hail.

See that itty bitty letuce still growing?  Even after it had been walked on my Cali's little feet.  Miracles will never cease!!!

These are the little carrots growing in my carrot boxes on the deck.  The little picket fence keeps Coco from pulling them out to eat.

I have been cutting spinach leaves from this pot for awhile now.  I love it in my salads.  It is so nice to grow my own instead of paying the price for organic in the stores! 

I took Annie's advice and put thyme clippings around my cabbage plants today to keep the cabbage butterflies away.  Thank you Annie for your advice!

I am so excited!  These are my new half  barrels that my wonderful gardener worked so hard to fix up for me.  I plan to plant tomato plants in three of them and butternut squash in the fourth one.  Can't wait!!!!!

I got another gardening book from our library!  So far I think it is a good one so I may be ordering one for my own library to refer to!  Happy Gardening everyone!!!


Annie*s Granny said...

Looks like a good book. Get your bad self out there and grow those prize winning vegetables! :-)

Anonymous said...

Everything is growing so well. I can't imagine putting on a coat right now (94F) until sometime in Nov maybe, and then it will probably just be a pair of pants and a t-shirt, or long sleeve shirt at tonight. Love your new barrels for your tomatoes and squash too. Those are going to work really well. Love the idea of the thyme sprigs in with the cabbage. I will have to remember that this fall when I plant cabbage.

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Your a slave driver Annie! lol Hoping I can grow prize winning veggies. Will be happy if they are just good for eating! Ha Thanks for the info about putting bloggers on the side of my blog. Enjoy your day in the garden! Nancy

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Emily, If only our weather could be evened out. Tis a little cooler this morning and looking a little dreary. Hoping my new barrels work out well and I also won't have to bend over so far! lol Nancy

Anonymous said...

It's all looking good. Can you tell me a bit about your dehydrator, how long does food last afterwards?

Winona said...

Hello Nancy. It sure was good to hear from you. Your blog is very nice. Wow! You are quite a gardener. I garden, but it is because I love the fresh veggies, not so much because I actually love gardening, if this makes sense. LOL I have never even considered growing veggies in containers. We have 5 acres, so always plenty of land to grow what we want. I took some pictures of my Big Stitch Quilting and will attempt to email them to you. (grin) I'll be back. Have a wonderful and blessed Sunday.

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Liz, Thanks for asking about the dehydrater. Mine is a Nevco. Just an inexpensive one that I bought years ago. I have not dried a lot of things with it but I love it for the apple slices. I cut them up in my granola or eat them for a snack. I don't especially like to eat apples so this gets some fruit into me. I tried drying zuchini sices but didn't like them. I dried some yellow summer squash to use in soups but have not done that yet. I would love to try strawberries, peaches and pineapple in. If you are interested in more information Vinnie Veggies blog on my sidebar has a nice big dehydrator and does lots of it. Please come again and tell me if yo try it. I don't know how long it lasts as I eat it up! I make sure mine is dry and turn the jars upside down and then back for awhile to make sure they don't stick to the bottom. I would think as long as it is dry that it would last forever!

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Winona, I don't think I would love gardening either if I had five acres to keep up to! lol I guess I am a "dappler" and like doing things small. I do like the thought of growing as much of our food as possible. Food prices are high and mine is healthier. I will so look forward to pictures of your Big Stitch Quilting! I look at your quilting pictures on the Homemaking/Homestead site. You do such a nice job. Hope you'll visit again. Nancy

Annie*s Granny said...

I see you got your blog list in the side bar! Good for you :-)

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Yes, Annie, thanks to my husband who is my Tech man besides being my wonderful gardener! Will be adding more but that is a start. Hope you had a good day in your garden! I harvested 10 oz of asparagus this week! lol Thanks for your help! Nancy

Robin said...

Your garden is looking good! Is Coco a dog or a cat? My cat Alvin started munching on my cauliflower starts on the porch last night. He thought they were good.

Granny never told me about putting thyme next to the cabbage plants. I'm going to have to give that a try since we have a lot of cabbage butterflies around here.

Keep up the good work!

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Robin, Coco is our brown cocker spaniel. Our youngest daughter! lol I just have a small amount of gardens compared to the rest of you. I think tho that I could make better use of my space and grow more and am working on that. Good luck on growing your cabbages.New experience for me. Glad you could visit me! Nancy

Kathryn D. Duke said...

like those new half barrels with the blue spinach has gotten a little bigger than I planned. I need to include it in my salad tomorrow night!!

Keep us posted


Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Kathryan, Runnin out of space to plant so would love to have more of those barrels! Hoping they will work out well. Enjoy your spinach. Happy to have you visit! Nancy

Sarada said...

You have a lovely blog.. Thats a nice book.

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Sarada, Thanks for the compliment! I am so glad that you stopped by. Please come again. That book does have a lot of good info in it. Nancy

Susan said...

I really enjoy your blog! Thank you for coming to see mine. Soon, I want to put your blog link on my sidebar to share with others.
Have a blessed week in the Lord!


Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Susan, I am glad you enjoyed reading my blog. I am enjoying doing it and meeting some of the different ones. Also learning things from them. Seeing something growing is so exciting, don't you think! Hope you will have time to come again. Nancy

Anonymous said...

It all sounds delicious. That book looks good, let us know if it is worth buying. Red paint and stones huh? Good info. (Nan, got your email, thanks for the comments, I took them to heart. Hugs, Sue

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Sue, I am not all the way done with the book but it has some good info in it. I am not sure if I will buy one or just write down info from it in my notes. Thanks for visiting again!! Nancy

Lisa said...

Hi Nancy! Thank you for explaining more about your dehydrator in the comment section above. That is one appliance I do not have, and believe I need. Love all the creative ways you are gardening. Those barrels with the blue tomato cages are striking. If you think about it, you are already 'dressed up' for the 4th of, white and blue!

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Lisa, I am glad if I could be of any help to you about the dehydrator. I hope you do get one. Never thought about the red, white and blue for the 4th of July. Memorial Day too!!! Come again. Nancy

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