Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day, Harvest, Coco & Flowers

Memorial Day!  I am thankful for all the people that have protected our country!  I am proud of our son who is currently serving in the Navy!

I have been picking asparagus but not taking pictures of it!  Here is some parsley and lovage that I hung to dry.

Sue came over several mornings last week to help us weed!  Boy, we sure appreciated it as these youngsters are having a hard time keeping up lately!!!

OH, OH!!  BUSTED!!!  Mom has this little asparagus patch outside of her big garden fence.  I thought I would just help myself and pick my own.

Shhhhh!  Don't tell Mom and Dad how I sneak in and out!

Coco said:  "I left this hole in the little asparagus patch because I had to dig down so far to get it all out!  You would think they could make it a little easier for me!"

A pretty pinkish salvia!!  I love pink in my yard.

The dark purple Iris are done blooming but now the lavender and white ones are so pretty!

And the yellow and lavender ones!!  I love Iris and wish I could have some blooming all summer.  Hope you had a wonderful day!


Daphne Gould said...

Love the irises. And I've never tasted lovage.

Julie said...

Those irises are beautiful! That sneaky puppy, maybe you could set aside a garden bed just for him and bury toys and bones in it.. perhaps that will keep him out of your asparagus.

Margaret said...

I once grew lovage & it was a giant of a plant. Only thing was I never really knew what to do with it. I hope your asparagus patch survives!

Felecia Cofield said...

Hi Nancy! Coco is sure bound to help 'harvest' your asparagus! What a handsome son! Much thanks for his service in the Navy! You have some really nice neighbors to help you weed! Your irises are pretty! I wished mine bloomed all summer too! Have a nice day! Blessings from Bama!

farmhouse-story said...

thanks to your son for his service, nancy:) coco just cracks me up! pretty irises--i've never planted them. sue's an angel:)

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Daphne, Lovage has a celery taste. I dry it to put in my winter soups. Nancy

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Julie, Thanks! I am afraid that Coco would rather have a veggie bed than new toys! The trouble with that is if she had her own veggie bed she would eat it all in one day! Nancy

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Margaret, Lovage does get huge. I cut mine back this year. I dry it to use in soups in the winter because it has a celery taste. Nancy

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Felecia, That was not our neighbor that was weeding but our daughter Sue. We are thankful for her help! Hubby keeps trying to fix that fence but Coco keeps getting into the asparagus. She has dug some of it down so far I don't know if it will come back! Nancy

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi lynn, Yes, Sue is sure a great help! Coco is such a stinker. You need to plant some Iris. Easy to grow and so pretty. Our son will be able to retire from the Navy in two or three years if he chooses too. Nancy

Kathryn D. Duke said...

WOW, what a handsome son...and thanks for,his service!!

Sitting in cliffs hospital room catching up!!! He leaves in the morning...

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Kathy, Thanks! Glad Cliff is getting to come home. Hope it was not anything serious. Nancy

Reginas Cottage said...

hi nancy,
love lovage...have made a post about lovage.
all your iris have a pretty color.
wish you a wonderful weekend,

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi My Simple Life, Thanks! Don't you just love to use lovage in your soups! I have to keep mine under control as I don't have that large of a yard. Nancy

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